
Resources for Our members

Pay dues, access INLA informational resources, discuss club topics on the message boards, and check for schedule updates.

Code of conduct

All members must agree to the following to participate at INLA.

  • Show up on time to train.

  • Training begins at the listed time; discussions should take place before or after the training time for the class.

  • If it is your first day or you are bringing someone new please inform an instructor so that we may be prepared for your arrival.

  • Upon arrival in the training hall shake the hands of the other students and instructors.

  • Do not throw or toss a weapon ever (unless instructed). Tossing a weapon onto the ground is disrespectful; throwing a weapon at someone is a safety violation.

  • Never walk between or near two people sparring.

  • Do not use foul language.

  • Do not spar or drill without wearing basic safety equipment, especially a fencing mask.

  • No unauthorized sparring

  • Do not pick up and use weapons you have not been authorized to use. If in doubt, ask.

  • Do not attend classes not intended for your rank.

  • Do not instruct if you are not an instructor, this applies to both during class and outside of class.

  • Do not try to “win” drills. Some drills require a certain impetus to train a specific skill, attempting to cheat the drill is a disservice to you and your training partner.

  • Do keep your uniform clean, and your nails short. Bathe regularly. Your training partners and society will thank you.

  • Always salute your training partner before sparring.

  • Do pay your dues in a timely fashion.

  • Do not be a Buffalo, use the Art.

  • Keep a notebook and notes, train hard and have fun.